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A Revolutionary Step-by-Step Approach

To Massively Increase the Value of Your Company

By Leveraging Focused Pricing Strategies


By Jeff Robinson


368 Pages

Available in Paperback and Kindle formats

Hardcover and Audiobook coming soon!

Book Description


The most important objective of any pricing strategy should be to improve the value of the company. But without a practical framework for connecting pricing strategies to company value, most companies fall back to the default pricing strategy of margin expansion, which can undermine the growth and retention of valuable customer relationships needed to power sustainable profit growth to maximize company value.


Price for Growth explains in pragmatic terms how and why growth-focused pricing strategies typically outperform profit-focused pricing strategies, when it comes to increasing long-term company value. It promises to challenge conventional thinking about traditional profit-driven pricing strategies.


With over twenty years’ experience leading, designing, selling, and implementing pricing solutions used by hundreds of companies, the author provides practical insights and a prescribed step-by-step approach to transform pricing strategies to the growth-focused strategies necessary to capture, retain, and grow customer relationships in the new reality of digitally enabled customers. He makes concepts easy to understand though the use of “case parables” to illustrate key points.


After establishing the foundation of the “five sacred metrics of pricing success,” which directly connect to the value of the company, he demonstrates how to utilize these metrics to identify the highest impact opportunities to grow the value of the company through focused pricing strategies. This is followed by the building blocks of successful pricing strategies based on the respective improvement objective, including strategies to increase customer acquisition, increase existing customer revenues, reduce customer churn, expand margins, or reduce risk.


Price for Growth is a must read for any CEO, CFO, or any other executive / manager who has responsibility for pricing and growth at any company who sells to repeat customers. Those who purchase the book can gain access to a companion website which includes downloadable example tools, presentations, and price communication templates to aid in the implementation of the recommended approaches at the reader’s own company. 

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Book's Table of Contents



Part 1: Foundations
Chapter 1: Redefining the Pricing Journey
Chapter 2: A Tale of Two Companies (Case Parable 1)
Chapter 3: The Growth Mindset and Pricing
Chapter 4: The Five Sacred Metrics of Pricing Success
Chapter 5: The Story of Leroy Studemont (Case Parable 2)

Part 2: Customer Relationships
Chapter 6: Losing the Pricing Tug-o-War
Chapter 7: The Importance of Trustworthy Prices
Chapter 8: The Chronicles of Sara’s Pricing Transformation (Case Parable 3)
Chapter 9: The Age of Millennials
Chapter 10: Your Key Customer Categories
Chapter 11:  Marta’s Hypothesis-Based Pricing Transformation (Case Parable 4)

Part 3: Building Focused Pricing Strategies
Chapter 12: The Concept of Elasticity vs. Growth
Chapter 13: Objective-Driven Pricing Strategies
Chapter 14: Applying the 80/20 Principle
Chapter 15: Pricing Strategies to Increase Customer Acquisition
Chapter 16: Pricing Strategies to Increase Existing Customer Revenues
Chapter 17: Pricing Strategies to Reduce Customer Churn
Chapter 18: Pricing Strategies to Expand Margins
Chapter 19: Pricing Strategies to Reduce Risk

Part 4: Putting It All Together
Chapter 20: The Complete Step-by-Step Process
Chapter 21: TransformaCo’s Step-By-Step Transformation (Case Parable 5)
Chapter 23: Moving Forward and Taking Action

Appendix A: Company Valuation Techniques
Appendix B: Tools Used by Marta McClain
Appendix C: Rescuing Angry Churned Customers    
Appendix D: Predicting Churn after a Price Increase
Appendix E: Tools Needed to Complete the Journey

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